Social struggles in the Chinese modernization process Prol-Position write in 2006 on development and class struggle in China.
Bolshevik Razverstka and War Communism Lars T. Lih on the Bolshevik policies of war communism and what they meant for workers and peasants.
The Kolesnikov uprising A short account of the uprising against the Bolsheviks led by Ivan Kolesnikov, like Fomin and Sapozhkov an ex-Red Army man.
Mexico is not only Chiapas nor is the rebellion in Chiapas merely a Mexican affair TPTG's detailed analysis and critical look at the Zapatista revolt, and the social and economic…
The agonising transformation of the Palestinian peasants into proletarians Article looking at the formation of the Palestinian working class, and the creation of the Israeli…
Land seizure in Eastern China leads to clashes More than 3,000 villagers in Zhejiang province of eastern China blocked a highway and clashed with police as they protested against alleged official corruption in a land compensation deal according to a human rights monitor and a witness.
1642-1652: The Diggers and the Levellers A history of the radical movements the Diggers and the Levellers which sprung up around the English Civil War.
Assembly Line - B. Traven This is an early Traven story, taken, in an uncredited translation, (probably by Traven himself - I have Anglicised the spelling) from The Night…
The third revolution? Peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government Nick Heath on the wave of rebellions and uprisings of rank-and-file Russian workers and peasants…
The Peasant War in Germany - Friedrich Engels Friedrich Engels on the German Peasants War of 1525, arguing that its motivating force was primarily class-based rather than religious.