[Booklet] [PI] Clarifications on Revolutionary Defeatism The text we publish below is part of the next issue of our review Revolution, dedicated to…
Guerra de Clases 08/2018: Contra la catástrofe capitalista Boletín # 08 / 2018 de Guerra de Clases. Fuente: https://www.autistici.org/tridnivalka/guerra-de…
Class War 08/2018: Against the capitalist catastrophe Bulletin # 08 / 2018 of Class War. Source: http://www.autistici.org/tridnivalka/class-war-08-2018…
Popular Power and Socialism in the 21st Century - The modern clothes of Social Democracy The famous “Socialism of the 21st century” is nothing else than the Popular Front…
Popular Power and Socialism in the 21st Century - The modern clothes of Social Democracy The famous “Socialism of the 21st century” is nothing else than the Popular Front…
Venezuela: Capitalism and Class Struggle Source in Spanish: https://materialesxlaemancipacion.espivblogs.net/2017/04/22/venezuela-capitalismo-y-lucha-de-clases/
Venezuela : Capitalisme et Lutte de Classes Les trois prises de position qui suivent ont été publiées entre 2013 et 2015 par divers camarades de lutte. Bien que deux années se soient…
Venezuela: Capitalismo y Lucha de Clases Los tres posicionamientos que aparecen a continuación, fueron publicados desde el año 2013 al 2015 por parte de diversos compañeros de lucha…
Social war and imperialist spider’s web in Syria (2011-2015) by Proletarios Internacionalistas "Guerra social y telaraña imperialista en Siria (2011-2015)" Here is a very fast…
The protests of the “15M” and the revolutionary minorities Translations of Spanish article available here