The New Commons of Urban & Industrial Dereliction - Stuart & David Wise A Freewheeling Interpretation of Classic Derive, Grand Projects, Subtopian Pornography, Workers'…
As Common as Muck - Stuart Wise Stuart Wise (with critical omissions and additions by David Wise) on: Ten male Adonis Blues; the nitrogen fix and other wildcat forays: Chance…
Transgressions #2/3 (1996) Double issue of this psychogeographical journal, including debates on primitivism and the Race Traitor journal.
London's Olympic Legacy: Town Planning For Insects By David & Stuart Wise. Originally published on the Revolt Against Plenty website.
Letters from Afar - Ivan Chtcheglov Chtcheglov writes to Michèle Bernstein and Guy Debord from a psychiatric clinic. From Internationale Situationniste #9 (August 1964).
Inaugural Report to the Munich Conference - Constant Constant Nieuwenhuys on unitary urbanism, from Internationale Situationniste #3 (December 1959)
Unitary Urbanism at the End of the 1950s The situationist case for Unitary Urbanism. From Internationale Situationniste #3 (December 1959).
Questionnaire on the Psychogeography of Les Halles - Abdelhafid Khatib Internationale Situationniste #2 (December 1958)
Attempt at a Psychogeographical Description of Les Halles - Abdelhafid Khatib From Internationale Situationniste #2 (December 1958). Les Halles was Paris' central fresh food…