On top of a volcano - Jacques Philipponneau and René Riesel This unabridged version of an article published in Le Monde on December 4, 2014 features reflections…
The progress of domestication - René Riesel René Riesel’s reflections on the anti-GMO sabotage campaigns of 1998-2001 in France, the subsequent responses of the supporters of GMO research,…
Catastrophism, disaster management and sustainable submission - Rene Riesel and Jaime Semprun In this book first published in 2008, Jaime Semprun and René Riesel examine the…
In the name of reason - Encyclopedie des Nuisances The Encyclopedie des Nuisances pronounces its judgment against GMOs on the occasion of the 2001 trial of one of its members, Rene Riesel, for the…
Preliminaries on councils and councilist organization - René Riesel A look at workers' councils and the historical contexts in which they were created. A useful…