White Collars & Horny Hands: the revolutionary thought of Waclaw Machajski - Max Nomad Nomad describes Machajski's theory of the socialist movement as a bid for power over the working…
What is "Makhaevism"? - Paul Avrich Paul Avrich looks at the life of the Polish theorist and activist, Jan Wacław Machajsk.
Lepetchenko, Ivan and Alexander A short account of the lives of the Lepetchenko brothers, Alexander and Ivan, who fought with the Makhnovists.
Stalin: why and how - Boris Souvarine Souvarine describes Stalin's path of ascent to power as master of Party and state.
Zuychenko, Nazar Semenovich, 1887/8-1938 A short biography of Nazar Zuychenko, one of first members of Gulyai Poye Anarchist Communist Group, persecuted by the Soviet authorities
Chuchko, Ivan Minovich, 1893-1938 A short biography of Ivan Chuchko, Makhnovist commander hounded by the Soviet authorities for many years.
The Kolesnikov uprising A short account of the uprising against the Bolsheviks led by Ivan Kolesnikov, like Fomin and Sapozhkov an ex-Red Army man.
The Greek Makhnovists A short account of the role of the Black Sea Greeks in the Makhnovist movement.
“Socialism in One Country” Before Stalin, and the Origins of Reactionary “Anti-Imperialism”: The Case of Turkey, 1917-1925 Loren Goldner's detailed history of the official communist movement and the…
Rapprochement; how the Bolsheviks came to love capitalists - EH Carr In this short excerpt Carr describes the speedy development of close links between the young…
The KAPD’s report on the third congress of the Communist International Report presented at the meeting of the KAPD Central Committee on July 31, 1921, by a KAPD delegate…
The Communist Left and the resolutions of the second congress of the Communist International - Henriette Roland-Holst Dutch communist Roland-Holst argues against using the objective and subjective…