More than One Piece is Missing in the Puzzle - Moshe Lewin Lewin replies to an article by W. Rosenberg on the relationship between the Bolsheviks and the working class in the 1917 revolutionary and post-revolutionary period.
The July Uprising of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries in Moscow 1918 - Lutz Hafner The July Uprising of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries in Moscow 1918 Lutz Hafner
My disillusionment in Russia - Emma Goldman Lithuania-born Jewish anarchist Emma Goldman's book on the degeneration of the Russian Revolution of 1917-1921.
Zhelezniakov, Anatoli, 1895-1919 A short biography of Russian anarchist and Kronstadt sailor Anatoli Zhelezniakov.
Boris Yelensky's memoirs of the Russian Revolution Anarchist Boris Yelensky's memoirs of the Russian Revolution. Yelensky later published Maximov's work and was a central figure in the Anarchist…
Is this the time to form "soviets"? Amadeo Bordiga writes on the German and Russian revolutions for an Italian audience, Il Soviet, 21 September 1919.
Kronstadt Izvestia Archive of the publication of the Kronstadt rebels, who fought to protect the gains of the Russian Revolution from the new Bolshevik…
Factory committees in the Russian revolution - Rod Jones Alongside the Russian workers' attempts to create socialism -- not as some abstract far-off utopia…