The anarchist collectives: workers' self-management in the Spanish revolution 1936-1939 - Sam Dolgoff This was the first book in English that is devoted to the experiments in workers’…
The Cuban revolution: A critical perspective - Sam Dolgoff Sam Dolgoff's book offering a critical account of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 from anarchist…
Review: In the struggle for equality: the story of the Anarchist Red Cross by B. Yelensky Sam Dolgoff's review of Boris Yelensky's book. Originally appeared in Views and Comments, n.31 (October 1958).
Notes for a discussion on the regeneration of the American labor movement Sam Dolgoff's notes, analysis and suggestions for re-building a fighting working class movement in the US in the 1970s. Extracted from a larger text, The American labour movement: a new beginning.
Statistical information on socialisation in the Spanish Revolution Statistics on agrarian and industrial collectivisation in the Spanish Civil War, the numbers of…
Cuba: The anarchists and liberty - Frank Fernandez A pamphlet written in 1987 by Frank Fernandez, with introduction by Sam Dolgoff, about the Cuban anarchist and workers' movements from the mid…
Controversy: Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution - Sam Dolgoff Sam Dolgoff analyses and discusses the decision of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT to join the…
The relevance of anarchism to modern society - Sam Dolgoff The increasing complexity of society is making anarchism more and not less relevant to modern life,…
The Labor Party illusion - Sam Dolgoff An article by Sam Dolgoff about the failure of worker's parties.