Propriedade privada, escassez e democracia - humanaesfera Artigo originalmente escrito como resposta aos "libertários" que veem a escassez como uma…
Lessons of the collectives - Victor Alba Published by Victor Alba, a former member of the POUM, in 2001, just before his death, this text addresses problems that the author believes will…
The ‘Solidarity’ group: not so solid - Socialist Party of Great Britain Article critical of the market socialism of Cornelius Castoriadis and some others in the Solidarity…
Da Esquerda Alemã a Socialisme ou Barbarie - La Banquise Este texto, que é um capítulo de "le roman de nos origines" (La Banquise No. 2 1983), examina as contribuições e limites da esquerda comunista alemã (comunistas de conselhos) e do grupo Socialisme ou Barbarie. (Traduzido e publicado pelo Grupo Autonomia no website Biblioteca Virtual Revolucionária em Julho de 2006 a partir da versão original em francês - publicada no website John gray-For Communism)
Direct Democracy is not Utopia (Yavor Tarinski) One of the most common arguments against direct democracy is that it sounds as a very good idea, but it is impossible to implement.
Steps Towards a New World (Yavor Tarinski) Nowadays the exit from the so-called economic crisis in Europe has become the main topic of conversation. Various politicians, “experts” and…
Market socialism, self-management and the case for workers' co-ops - Darrow Schecter This is a chapter 'self-management and the case for workers' co-ops' from Radical theories: Paths…