Out of the Night - Jan Valtin The story of a German revolutionary who, after the failed German revolution, becomes an agent for the Communist International, fights fascism in…
Ludd newsletter (1966 seamen's strike) A series of two page anarcho-syndicalist newsletters produced by Albert Meltzer, Joe Thomas, Albert Grace and others in support of the British…
Liverpool Anarchist #21 Contains articles about the P&O dispute, animal rights and the working class.
The post-war strike wave in East, West, and Southern Africa From the end of the Second World War until the mid-'60s there was a wave of strikes in British East…
The Day British Seamen Said "No!" - A history of the Amalric Revolt This is an account of the strike of British ships’ crews in New Zealand during October and November…
The last mutineer Article by Richard Linnett and Roberto Loiederman about the spectacular mutiny on the USS Columbia Eagle and what befell the mutineers afterwards. Two of the crew hijacked the ship, which…
The Factory Hell: Eleanor Marx Pamphlet describing working conditions in 19th century mills and factories in Britain and the futility of reforms to deal with these abuses.
Cross-border Amazon workers meeting In mid-September, Amazon worker activists from Poland and Germany met in Poznan to further coordinate their workplace struggles. Through earlier…
The headscarf revolutionaries - DD Johnston D.D. Johnston reviews Brian Lavery’s The Headscarf Revolutionaries, an account of a spontaneous campaign by fishermen’s wives in Hull, which…
Wobbly driplines: strikes, stowaways & the SS Manuka Built in 1903 and wrecked off New Zealand’s southern coast in 1929, the Manuka was a floating fragment of class society—and of class warfare…