Another Spain AFA introduction to a series of articles on the Spanish Civil War in its magazine Fighting Talk #15 (1996)
International News - Black Flag #219 (2000) Shorter international news items from Black Flag #219 (2000)
Biographies of and works about Mikhail Bakunin - reading guide Gallery for
Quico Sabaté: Anarkistang Gerilya A short biography of anarchist guerrilla Quico Sabaté in Tagalog and English by Peter Gelderloos.
The Nihilist Recuperation: A couple of communiques against communiques from Barcelona Two texts from Barcelona, critiquing the trend of nihilist armed struggle groups such as the…
The Durruti column – Carl Einstein A posthumous address on Buenaventura Durruti by German anarcho-syndicalist volunteer in the Durruti Column, Carl Einstein. It was broadcasted by…
To Libertarians - Guy Debord/International Friends A text on solidarity with libertarian prisoners in Spain, written by Guy Debord and circulated under the name "International Friends". This…