The theorization of historical experiences - Agustín Guillamón A critique of Roi Ferreiro’s critique of Andrés Devesa’s essay on the Spanish civil war and…
Critical notes on the text, "Spain, 1936. The exorcism of the ghost of the revolution", by Andrés Devesa - Roi Ferreiro A critique of Andrés Devesa’s essay on the “domestication of memory” with respect…
Spain, 1936: the exorcism of the ghost of the revolution - Andrés Devesa A brief 2006 essay on the topic of the “domestication of memory” perpetrated by the mainstream…
Por el Triunfo de la Confederación: 80th anniversary of the newspaper CNT This article from the November issue of the CNT newspaper memorializes 80 years of a militant…
Theses on the Spanish Civil War and the revolutionary situation created on July 19, 1936 - BALANCE (Agustín Guillamón) A 2001 text summarizing the results of the research carried out by Agustín…
IWW members who fought in the Spanish Civil War Originally appearing in the Industrial Worker, a short piece by Matt White on some of the IWW members who died during the Spanish Civil War.
An interview with Noam Chomsky on the Spanish revolution - Jorell A. Meléndez Badillo (2009) In this 2009 interview originally published in Spanish, Noam Chomsky answers…
Revolution and counterrevolution in Spain - Groep van Internationale Communisten In this article published in June 1937 in the journal, Rätekorrespondenz, the Group of International…
Interview with José Peirats – Josep Alemany A complete transcript of a 1977 interview with José Peirats, in which the Spanish historian and former militant of the CNT and FAI reminisces…
From defense cadres to popular militias - Augustín Guillamón A short article summarizing the history and transformation of the CNT’s Defense Committees in…
An interview with Abel Paz - Miguel Riera, El Viejo Topo (2001) An interview on the Spanish civil war and revolution conducted in 2001 with Abel Paz, former…
The labour movement in Spain : Albert Meltzer on Spanish anarcho-syndicalism KSL: Albert Meltzer was a long-standing supporter of the anarchist movement in Spain. One of our…