The anarchist collectives: workers' self-management in the Spanish revolution 1936-1939 - Sam Dolgoff This was the first book in English that is devoted to the experiments in workers’…
Living Utopia (Documentary) A unique feature-length documentary (90 minutes; Spanish with English subtitles) which chronicles the origins and evolution of the Spanish…
A conference in Spain An account from a member of the Swedish syndicalist union, SAC, of an 1992 anarcho-syndicalist conference in Barcelona.
Critical assessment of "Wildcat Spain" book A look back at Wildcat Spain encounters democracy by one of the translators.
Spain: The CNT calls for a nationwide general strike on March 29 March 10 - The CNT, Spain's anarchist labor union, issued a statement yesterday announcing that they…
Free women of Spain - Martha A. Ackelsberg Martha A. Ackelsberg's book on the free women of Spain, the Mujeres Libres.
Betrayals and outbursts in Barcelona On the transport strike, the student strike, and the riots, protests, and sabotage carried out in Barcelona in the month of February, in response…
Anarchist economics - Abraham Guillen PDF book about the economics of the Spanish libertarian collectives 1936-1939.
Barcelona student strike against austerity met with police violence A report for from Barcelona, as thousands of young people march in cities across Spain to…
The CNT mobilises across the country against labour reform Statement from the Secretariat of the CNT on the recent demonstrations and protests against the…