Spanish police batter protesting students Students in Valencia undertake an anti-police brutality demonstration the day after the police attack a peaceful protest against education cuts…
Spanish workers protest against labour reforms Over a million Spanish workers take to the streets across the country in protest against the governments labour reforms that enable bosses to…
Spanish Civil War and Revolution poster gallery, 1936-39 Archive of posters from the Spanish Civil War and Revolution, 1936-39. Includes posters from the CNT…
Spanish civil war and revolution photo gallery, 1936-39 Photo gallery of anarchists and other workers who attempted a social revolution after the military…
International solidarity for EULEN-ABB strikers February 17th was the International Day of Action for the EULEN-ABB strikers in Cordoba. The struggle continues as they fight for their…
Morality and biology in the Spanish Civil War: Psychiatrists, revolution and women prisoners in Málaga Michael Richards on the Spanish Civil War, women and psychiatry.
New labour reforms hit Spain Spain’s new conservative government has begun to attack workers´ rights with a serious of brutal reforms.
Crisis and Conflict in Barcelona: January An overview of austerity measures and popular responses in Barcelona, with descriptions of January actions
Collectivized creativity: The rediscovered films of the CNT Christiane Passevant interviews Richard Prost and Andres Garcia-Aguilera about the CNT film industry…
La Révolution Espagnole: The collectivized CNT taxis (1936) A contemporary article in the POUM's journal La Révolution Espagnole on the CNT's collectivised…
Movement in Spain - ... And all of a sudden everything became real German libertarian communist group Wildcat's contemporary analysis of the 15M Spanish protest…
Egypt, Bahrain, London, Spain?– Tahrir Square as a meme DSG's piece on resistance tactics as 'meme' and the emergence of public space occupations in North Africa and Europe.