Spanish anarchists in the Welsh valleys A short account of the Spanish miners in South Wales and their relationship - sometimes positive, sometimes strained - with the local mining…
On the 10th congress of the CNT The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) held its 10th Congress from 4th to 8th December 2010 in the city of Cordoba.
“Revolutionary syndicalism serves the proletariat, whereas anarchism is one brand of humanism” - interview with Juan Garcia Oliver Excerpt from the pamphlet “My Revolutionary Life: Juan García Oliver interviewed by…
Review: Memoirs of a fighter - Miguel Garcia Garcia, Looking back after 20 years of jail Review of pamphlet on Spanish anarchist militant. In KSL: Bulletin of the Kate…
1936-1939: the Spanish Civil War by Augustin Souchy Chapter 11 from Augustin Souchy's autobiography, Beware! Anarchist: A Life for Freedom.
After the Revolution: Economic Reconstruction in Spain - Diego Abad de Santillán A practical proposal for implementing anarchosyndicalism in Spain in 1936.
IBM: From the Guts of the Monster Below is a transcription of the conversation we held last December with a compañero [literally "companion," but often has a sense closer to "comrade" -- trans.] of ours who has worked at IBM for many years and has seen how the great multinational of informática ["informatics" refers to computers and telecommunications -- trans.] has transformed labor conditions such that its workers no longer enjoy a privileged…
The Spanish CGT: the new anarcho-syndicalism - Larry Gambone 2004 opinion and assessment of the CGT in Spain by a Canadian anarchist, with which we do not agree…
Anarchism, anthropology and Andalucia: An analysis of the CNT and the ‘new capitalism’ A CNT militant attempts to analyze the union's strengths and weaknesses.
Serrano Valero, Basiliso, 1908-1955 A short biography of Spanish anarcho-syndicalist and anti-fascist guerilla fighter Basiliso Serrano Valero, a.k.a El Manco de La Pesquera.
A biographical sketch of Josep Rebull, 1906/1999 - Agustín Guillamón Agustín Guillamón's short biography of Josep Rebull, POUM militant and opponent of that party's…