French enables us to communicate with other peoples in struggle - Thomas Sankara Speech by Thomas Sankara at the First Francophone Summit in February 17, 1986.
Mali Troops are our Brothers - Thomas Sankara Speech given by Thomas Sankara in the aftermath of the Agacher Strip war.
The 50th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War - Eduardo Vivancos Lecture given at the World Anti-national Association (SAT) congress held in Sant Cuget del Valles in…
In nobody's backyard: Maurice Bishop's speeches, 1979-1983 - Edited by Chris Searle, Introduction by Richard Hart Published by ZED Books, 1984. Rare collection and analysis of the Grenada…
Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism A Lecture delivered in Paris, November 27 1893 by Gabriel Deville. This…
IWW and radical influences on the San Francisco waterfront For May Day 2017 Local 10 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union invoked a contractual …
Address of August Spies The address of August Spies at his trial in his and his co-defendants defence, in the aftermath of the Haymarket massacre.
Strike Against War: Helen Keller Speech at Carnegie Hall, New York City, January 5, 1916, under the auspices of the Women's Peace Party and the Labor Forum
Jacopo Fo’s speech at his father Dario’s funeral Dario Fo, actor, Nobel prizewinner, communist and political activist died in Milan on October 13th. He was 90 years of age. His son, Jacopo, gave…
What Marx should have said to Kropotkin - Adam Buick The following is the transcript of a talk given by Adam Buick to the 1994 'Socialist Party of Great Britain Summer School', which was held that…
Appeal on behalf on an oppressed human variety - Kurt Hiller Classic speech against gay oppression written by Kurt Hiller for the Second International Congress…