The way the wind blew: A history of the Weather Underground A detailed history of the US left-wing urban guerrilla group the Weather Underground, or Weathermen.
Review: Revolution and counterrevolution: Class struggle in a Moscow metal factory and worker resistance under Stalin: Class and revolution on the shop floor A review of two books on the topic of working class responses to Stalinism in the…
The Marikana massacre: a premeditated killing? Benjamin Fogel on the Lonmin Massacre and the chilling bloodlust of the Stalinists in the South African Communist Party.
The enemy of my enemy - notes on not having really shit politics For what seems like forever, the Julian Assange saga has been everywhere. On TV, in the papers, on…
The Hungarian workers' revolution A pamphlet by the Syndicalist Workers' Federation on the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Originally published in '57, this is the revised second…
Syria, imperialism and the left (2) Some people on the moderate but also the Trotskyist-influenced left defend not only the Syrian revolt, but also, sadly, find Western intervention…
Are free individuals the necessary prerequisites for a successful struggle for freedom? - Anselm Jappe In this text written in late 2011, Anselm Jappe criticizes the popular slogan “We…
How Labour governed, 1945-1951 – Syndicalist Workers’ Federation A pamphlet by the Syndicalist Workers' Federation on how the Labour Party governed between the years…
An ambiguous journey: Ante Ciliga (1898-1992) - Philippe Bourrinet This is a well-researched obituary of Ante Ciliga, the Yugoslav communist who wrote the wonderful…
Beyond Kronstadt; the Bolsheviks in power - Mark Kosman This article tries to go beyond the usual Kronstadt debate between Trotskyists and anarchists on why…
Seventy days in Russia: What I saw - Angel Pestaña First published in Spain in 1924, Angel Pestaña’s journal recounting his experiences in Russia in the summer of 1920 as the delegate sent by the…
Poland 1980-1982: Class struggle and the crisis of capital - Henri Simon Henri Simon's brilliant and detailed account and analysis of the militant working class struggles in…