Technological despotism - Ian Tillium An attempt to analyse technological innovations from a working class perspective in the early 1990s.
The “gig economy”: Some cursory thoughts and link dump Despite being a generally annoying term, the “gig economy” does signify some major shifts in class…
Cyber-Proletariat: Global Labour in the Digital Vortex (Digital Barricades: Interventions in Digital Culture and Politics)
Luxury communism tumblr Archive of the Luxury Communism blog, examining possibilities for a libertarian communist future with luxury for all. Active 2012-2015.
The nuclearization of the world - Jaime Semprun In this Swiftian “nuclearist manifesto” first published in France in 1980, the author uses “laughable sophistry” and “black humor” “disguised as…
Artificial intelligence, tech workers, and universal income: An interview What are the possibilities for artificial intelligence to free us from the drudgery of work? How…
Fully automated luxury communism: a utopian critique A critique of the Fully Automated Luxury Communism argument, suggesting that it doesn't go far enough in envisioning a utopian transformation of…
The utopia of rules: on technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy - David Graeber According to Graeber’s bureaucratic procedures “are invariably ways of managing…
What ought to be the anarchist attitude towards the machine - Marcus Graham A 1934 article by Marcus Graham that is critical of technology.
The obsolescence of man - Volume 2 - Günther Anders Now, for the first time in English translation, The Obsolescence of Man, Volume II, in its entirety, by Günther Anders, first published in…
Throwing stones at progress - Miguel Amorós A relentless denunciation of the concept of “progress”, tracing its ideological roots to Saint Augustine and then to Turgot, its use in the…
A cyborg manifesto: science, technology and socialist feminism in the late 20th century - Donna Haraway Biologist and socialist feminist Donna Haraway's influential 1984 essay suggesting…