Now, for the first time in English translation, The Obsolescence of Man, Volume II, in its entirety, by Günther Anders, first published in Germany in 1980, an indispensable “philosophy of technology” by one of the most insightful philosophers and social critics of the 20th century, more relevant now than ever, the result of over twenty years of considerations “On the Destruction of Life in the Epoch of the Third Industrial Revolution”, featuring essays on consumerism, automation, work, leisure, “meaning”, totalitarianism, conformism, mass culture, sports, religion, surveillance, fascism, ideology, history, science fiction, art, “happenings”, psychotherapy, drugs, and more.

ObsolescenceofMan2Gunther Anders.pdf
(1.35 MB)
Obsolescence Vol II Anders.epub
(391.44 KB)
Obsolescence Vol II
(650.09 KB)
Awesome - thanks so much for
Awesome - thanks so much for this.
Is volume one online? Great
Is volume one online?
Great stuff by the way. Ties in nicely with stuff I'm researching.
Five chapters from Volume
Five chapters from Volume One: