Dirtbag’s nostalgia for the old working class Comrade Motopu finds class fetishism over class analysis in Amber Frost's 2024 book Dirtbag.
A Reply to Syndicalism: Its Strengths and Weaknesses A response from Tom Wetzel of the Workers Solidarity Alliance to Alan MacSimóin's article on syndicalism.
“The Rank and File Strategy”: A Syndicalist View - Tom Wetzel Veteran activist and writer Tom Wetzel enters the wide ranging debate on the left around the “rank…
From the right-wing to the revolutionary left - Tom Wetzel A new series from Recompositon called 'How I was radicalized'. This first part is by Tom Wetzel, and…
Co-ops or workers' revolution? An article by Tom Wetzel (under a pseudonym) which lays out the limitations of cooperatives as an alternative to capitalism.
Gramsci and syndicalism - Tom Wetzel Tom Wetzel on the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, the Italian factory council movement of 1919-1920, and the anarcho-syndicalist advocacy of…
Why revolutionary syndicalism? An article by Tom Wetzel on his conception of revolutionary syndicalism.
Why does the union bureaucracy exist? A 1988 article by Tom Wetzel on the the development of the union bureaucracy and how that changed the nature of unions.
Workers power and the Russian Revolution: a review of Maurice Brinton's For Workers Power Tom Wetzel reviews the sections concentrating on the Russian Revolution in For Worker's Power, a collection of Maurice Brinton's writings.
The origins of the union shop - Tom Wetzel Article about the practice and limitations of union (closed) shops in the US workers' movement in the 1930s and 40s. In particular it examines…