Clashes during International Workers’ Day in Turin The annual celebration of International Workers’ Day in Turin has become an occasion for activists to organise protests against local Mayor…
Why can’t anybody say ‘depression’? This is a short blog inspired by the news that the UK is officially in ‘double-dip’ recession (as predicted by pretty much everyone on the left).
'The struggle for the streets': Unemployed hawkers, protest culture and repression in the Barcelona area, c1918-1936 An article by Chris Ealham on the CNT's mobilisation of street traders, whom the…
Report: Combating workfare in Liverpool (31/3/2012) A brief report on an anti-workfare event in Liverpool
Abolish workfare - a guide to the government's unpaid work schemes A 16-page guide to the government's unpaid labour schemes, the logic behind them, and resources for…
The Missing Piece of the Jigsaw Greenwich council's latest plans for the riverside from West Greenwich (by the Millenium dome) to Woolwich were published in February. It is no…
Report: Combating workfare in Liverpool A brief report on the Liverpool workfare action on Saturday 3rd March
Report: Combating workfare in Birmingham Brief report on the Boycott Workfare demo in Birmingham 3rd March.
People's crawl for jobs - Workers Playtime An article by Workers Playtime on an unemployment march in the mid eighties.
Lernia Correctional Facility: a story from a Swedish unemployment programme A short 'militant investigation' about struggles at a Swedish employment programme, run by 'Lernia',…
Tesco's secret workfare Furious shoppers are threatening to boycott Tesco after their use of forced labour schemes came to light yesterday.