A requiem for nationalisation The current world crisis of capitalism is provoking a wave of proletarian protests, and will inevitably provoke them in the future. In the CIS …
1970-71: Uprising in Poland A short history of the 1970-71 uprising by workers in Poland which saw strikes and occupations at workplaces across the country. Although…
1938-1956: The tragedy of Karaganda The story of members of the CNT and other Spanish anti-fascists left stranded in the Soviet Union following the Spanish civil war.
Poland 1956 - Vladan Vukliš A history of the uprising in Poland, 1956 which began at the ZISPO factory in Poznan.
Hungary '56 - Nick Heath A history of the Hungarian uprising of 1956, published as a special supplement of Anarchist Worker on the 20th anniversary in 1976
The working class uprising in East Germany, June 1953 - Cajo Brendel Cajo Brendel's pamphlet on the East German mass strike and uprising 1953.
The gulag uprising at Vorkuta, 1953 An article, edited from News and Letters, outlining the uprising at the Gulag in Vorkuta in 1953.
1962: The Novocherkassk tragedy An account of the workers uprising in Novocherkassk, USSR, which lasted from June 1-3 and ended in a massacre and mass arrests.
1921: Kronstadt: Proletarian spin-off of the Russian Revolution - Cajo Brendel Cajo Brendel's pamphlet on the Kronstadt rebellion
The Vichuga uprising, 1932 In April 1932 at Vichuga, Ivanovo Industrial Region (IPO), USSR, 16,000 textile workers struck at several factories and temporarily took control…
The Hungarian Revolution: 1956 This is an anonymous account of the events of the near revolution of 1956, containing interesting information from interviews with participants.
The state and counter-revolution - Negation A 1972 article by Negation, in the United States debunking the myths of Leninism and the New Left in particular.