Internationale Situationniste journal

Photographs of SI journal.

Online archive of English translations of Internationale Situationniste, aka International Situationist: the journal of the Situationist International.

Submitted by libcom on December 17, 2005

The Situationist International (SI) produced the journal Internationale Situationniste between 1958 and 1969. It functioned as the movement’s main organ, and over 12 issues its pages documented the evolution of Situationist theory, the members’ thoughts on everyday life, and the internal/external dramas of the group.


Juan Conatz

12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on June 3, 2012

Looking over these, they could use additional tags on specific articles, with pictures and descriptions. I'll periodically do this.


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 4, 2012

Excellent, thanks! These were all copied across early on en masse before we were that tight with tagging/formatting


2 years 4 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on November 17, 2022

I’ve added the “publications” tag which was scandalously omitted.

This site appears to have English translations of the complete contents of each issue.

So that would be good to have here.


2 years 4 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on November 18, 2022

Seems so - I think it’s just the texts from the SI Anthology so far. But there are more at that link.


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on January 21, 2023

“As an interesting corollary to the many purges, Raspaud and Voyer have compiled an index of those who were insulted in the pages of IS. They number 540, but Raspaud and Voyer add the consoling statistic that a further 400 persons were mentioned in the magazine without insult.

The terminology of S.I. abuse has a certain curiosity value. At the bottom of the scale are the routine expressions of disapproval which come most easily to hand: ‘braggart’, ‘cheat’, ‘cretin’, ‘hypocrite’, ‘idiot’, ‘impostor’, ‘liar’, ‘mafioso’, ‘nonentity’, ‘pimp’, ‘scoundrel’, ‘traitor’, ‘upstart’. Next comes a more precise group of epithets: ‘anti-Semite’, ‘deist’, ‘lapassadist’, ‘mentally deficient Buddhist’, ‘militarist’, ‘mythomaniac’, ‘necrophage’, ‘plagiarist’, ‘royalist’.

Political invective also has its scale, from the simple to the more complex, starting with ‘argumentist’, ‘confusionist’, ‘integrationist’, ‘reformist’, ‘Trotskyist’ and proceeding to more sophisticated aberrations such as ‘anarcho- Maoist’, ‘anti-Boumediennist’, ‘Bourguibist’, ‘sub-Leninist’, ‘stalino- surrealist’.

At the very top there are maledictions which reach poetic heights: ‘coagulated undertaker’s mute’, ‘monogamous police hound’.

The lavish nature of all this surrealist abuse leads one to think that either the libel laws must be rather lenient in France or else that the magazine did not circulate very widely among the 540 insultees.”

From “Asger Jorn - The Crucial Years 1954-1964”


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on January 21, 2023

It is fantastic that somebody spent the time indexing all of the insults


1 year 11 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on April 24, 2023

So I think that is pretty much all of the easy to find English translations added now. There may be the odd small one missing here or there. And it seems that there are a handful of articles yet to be translated too.

It's has been a wild ride going through it all...

Submitted by Steven. on April 24, 2023

Fozzie wrote: So I think that is pretty much all of the easy to find English translations added now. There may be the odd small one missing here or there. And it seems that there are a handful of articles yet to be translated too.

It's has been a wild ride going through it all...

That is amazing! You must have read a lot of quite inventive and obscure insults over the past couple of months!