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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Soledad brother: The prison letters of George Jackson working class self organisation 1 11 years ago
Toward an anarchist policy on Syria - First of May Anarchist Alliance Kdog 23 11 years ago
August 12, 1937: Killing day at Tobolsk Battlescarred 2 11 years ago
Is revolutionary unionism undemocratic and insincere? Juan Conatz 3 11 years ago
The dome sketch - omen Agent of the International 2 11 years ago
Rough notes on Hegel's science of logic - Raya Dunayevskaya libcom 1 11 years ago
A history of radical green spaces in East London Jacques Roux 1 11 years ago
The Brothers Parkhomenko: a tale of the Russian Civil War Battlescarred 2 11 years ago
The subversion of everyday life - Kolinko Steven. 2 11 years ago
Playing for keeps - Madaline Dreyfus Recomposition 2 11 years ago
Worker in Poland almost killed by capitalist Black Adder 2 11 years ago
Summer time in Greece Thrasybulus 2 11 years ago
The IWW and the Profintern Juan Conatz 3 11 years ago
Starbucks fires employee on food stamps for eating a sandwich from the garbage Ramona 3 11 years ago
Poland does away with the 8-hour day akai 20 11 years ago
The anatomy of fascism - Robert O. Paxton Tyrion 3 11 years ago
Romania: resistance against corporate environmental destruction and politics-as-usual rooieravotr 4 11 years ago
Not one nor two: political organization, syndicalism, and thought s.nappalos 1 11 years ago
The crisis in the German social democracy (the Junius pamphlet) - Rosa Luxemburg Tyrion 1 11 years ago
The anarchist collectives: workers' self-management in the Spanish revolution 1936-1939 - Sam Dolgoff Juan Conatz 4 11 years ago