A paper by James Howard about the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike. Copied to clipboard Attachments Autolite.pdf (89.37 KB) United States strikes 1930s Great Depression AFL 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike James Howard PDF Comments
Images from 1934 Autolite strike Considered one of the most important strikes in American history, the Toledo Autolite strike is best remembered by its mass pickets and running…
The Communist Party and socialists during the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike A passage about radicals involvement in the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike, from The Communist Party…
The Toledo Auto-Lite strike, 1934 - Jeremy Brecher Jeremy Brecher's short history of the victorious strike at an auto parts plant in 1934, in which the unemployed played a key role in helping…
The 1934 Toledo Auto Lite strike - Ted Selander A speech given by participant Ted Selander on June 3, 1984 at an anniversary celebration of the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike.
Wobbly Fred Thompson on the 30s depression - Studs Terkel The late Wobbly veteran, in conversation with the late Studs Terkel, looks back on his experience in…
Flint 1936-7: Diary of a sitdowner The diary of one of the striking General Motors workers who occupied their factories between December 1936 and February 1937.