A bulletin produced by the Notes from Below group collecting workers' reports from Amazon, including wildcat strikes. Author Notes from Below Copied to clipboard Attachments Amazon_Bulletin.pdf (1.93 MB) How the Amazon wildcat spread Wildcat strike at Amazon Book traversal links for Amazon Workers' Bulletin How the Amazon wildcat spread Printer-friendly version Amazon wildcat strikes strikes workplace activity accounts PDF Comments
How the Amazon wildcat spread In this report, a worker in Coventry tells us how they joined the current wave of wildcat strikes sweeping through Amazon warehouses in Britain…
Wildcat strike at Amazon A report of the recent wildcat strikes currently sweeping through Amazon warehouses in Britain, from a worker on the shopfloor. This article was…
Building the Barbican 1962-1982: taking the industry out of the dark ages Fantastic pamphlet on the workers' struggles during the construction of the brutalist masterpiece…
Just a matter of gloves - Stan Weir An account of a work stoppage over the issue of gloves being supplied in a factory.
Wildcat: Dodge Truck June 1974 Detailed article by participants and eyewitnesses about the wildcat strike at the Chrysler truck plant in Michigan, 1974, and the roles of the…
Anatomy of an industrial struggle: Chrysler factory at Tonsley Park in Adelaide 1976-1978 An account of two years of struggle at an Australian Chrysler plant by one of the…