A bulletin produced by the Notes from Below group collecting workers' reports from Amazon, including wildcat strikes. Author Notes from Below Copied to clipboard Attachments Amazon_Bulletin.pdf (1.93 MB) How the Amazon wildcat spread Wildcat strike at Amazon Book traversal links for Amazon Workers' Bulletin How the Amazon wildcat spread Printer-friendly version Amazon wildcat strikes strikes workplace activity accounts PDF Comments
How the Amazon wildcat spread In this report, a worker in Coventry tells us how they joined the current wave of wildcat strikes sweeping through Amazon warehouses in Britain…
Wildcat strike at Amazon A report of the recent wildcat strikes currently sweeping through Amazon warehouses in Britain, from a worker on the shopfloor. This article was…
Building the Barbican 1962-1982: taking the industry out of the dark ages Fantastic pamphlet on the workers' struggles during the construction of the brutalist masterpiece…
Account of a well-prepared wildcat strike Nick, an assembly line worker, recounts sabotage and a walkout at his factory when the workers' contract expired.
Fighting back in Ukraine - Oleg Dubrovskii with Simon Pirani This short pamphlet was put together by Simon Pirani in 1996/7 from a series of interviews with…
Wildcats in the Appalachian coal fields - William Cleaver William Cleaver on the often unofficial strikes of miners in the mid to late 20th century.