Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations (Personal Diary 2) - The John Clare Collective Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations.... Personal Diary 2 of the John Clare…
Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations (Personal Diary 1) - The John Clare Collective An edited diary of events, theoretical speculation and conflicts with authority as…
Working and Not-Working at the Toronto Post Office (1974) A personal account of working night shifts in the Canadian postal service. Published Toronto, 1974.
Part 1: Life in the factory - Paul Romano The first part of "The American Worker" pamphlet - a first person account of working class life in America in the 1940s. "Paul Romano" was a pseudonym of Phil Singer.
Part 3: On the 1970 Situationist Reorientation Debate, the Never Work(ing) worker Part 3: On the 1970 Situationist Reorientation Debate, the Never Work(ing) worker. Mayakovsky / Tatlin & the Red Brigades …….plus Jean’s strike. Text from Revolt Against Plenty.
Notes toward the Economics and Aesthetics of the UK's Great Building Disaster - Stuart Wise An expansive reflection on changes in building/construction work in London from the…
Paper Cut outs: Encounters with Trotskyism in the UK A record of personal encounters with various British Trot sects over the years.
Thoughts after the first round of NHS strikes A report on strikes by NHS workers in the UK after the first two days of strike action by nurses in December 2022, by Angry Workers of the World.
Amazon Workers' Bulletin A bulletin produced by the Notes from Below group collecting workers' reports from Amazon, including wildcat strikes.
Wildcat strike at Amazon A report of the recent wildcat strikes currently sweeping through Amazon warehouses in Britain, from a worker on the shopfloor. This article was…
How the Amazon wildcat spread In this report, a worker in Coventry tells us how they joined the current wave of wildcat strikes sweeping through Amazon warehouses in Britain…
The May Events: from Practice to Theory – Andrew Feenberg Compilation of writings an eyewitness reports by Andrew Feenberg on the May 68 rebellion in France.