Barricade in St Germaine, May 68, photographer unknown Compilation of writings an eyewitness reports by Andrew Feenberg on the May 68 rebellion in France. Author Andrew Feenberg Copied to clipboard Taken from PDF May 68 accounts Comments
Against the state as boss - Autonomous Assembly of Alfa Romeo A fascinating and detailed first person account of workers struggles at Italian state-owned auto…
The Bolshevik myth: diary 1920-1922 - Alexander Berkman This book provides first-hand documentation of events in the Soviet Union when the Civil War was…
The break-up of the WRP: from the horse’s mouth - Simon Pirani An account by one of its former activists of the breakup of the UK Trotskyist group Workers…
Obsolete communism: The left wing alternative - Daniel and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit In May '68, a student protest at Nanterre University spread to other universities, to Paris…
Renault workers fight sackings - Solidarity A graphic account, written by rank-and-file French metalworkers, of struggles against job cuts at Renault in Paris and Le Mans, written as…
The Presidio mutiny, 1968 - Randy Rowland A personal account by a participant of the Presidio mutiny, a sitdown protest of soldiers in military prison against the killing of an inmate…