This afternoon the police evicted the Lelas Karagianni squat in central Athens. The fourth attack in under a month.
Once again this afternoon a helicopter could be heard circling over central Athens. These days this is a good indication that another police eviction operation is under way. Today the police attacked another squat.
The squat of Lelas Karagianni was attacked early this afternoon in a police raid. The police have since occupied the building and arrested the fourteen people found inside. Already people are gathering in the area in solidarity with those arrested and further gatherings and meeting are to be held tonight.
Elsewhere I have written of a police plan to evict 40 squats around Greece as part of a crack down on the anarchist movement and any forms of resistance. The attack today, the fourth in under a month, is the next stage in this process.
Lelas Karagianni is, just like Villa Amalias, a very old squat as it has been under occupation for about 22 years. The building is in the neighbourhood of Kypseli in central Athens which being relatively poor and home to many non-Greeks has been on the frontline of the fight against the fascists and Golden Dawn.
Solidarity to the arrested
For further updates check Occupied London