Some pictures from the anti-CPE movement from Paris and Nice on the 6th April 2006. Photos from and respectively. Copied to clipboard France demonstrations Paris Anti-CPE protests Nice Comments
Images of yesterday's demonstrations Photographs of Saturday 18 March's mass demonstrations against the CPE employment law in France.
Anti-CPE Movement: Sorbonne occupation, March 10th 2006 Photos of the occupation and clearance of the Sorbonne on March 10th 2006.
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris, 28th March 2006 Photos of the March 28th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Paris. Photos from MrsBinParis and
Anti-CPE Movement: Bastille, 31st March 2006 (c. 21h) Photos later on in the evening from the earlier demonstration at the Bastille on March 31st 2006,…
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris, 21st March 2006 Photos of the March 21st 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Paris. Photos from