Werner Bonefeld on anti-globalisation and socialism. In PDF format. Copied to clipboard From Class against Class Attachments globalisation socialism.pdf (75.3 KB) Werner Bonefeld globalisation PDF Comments
Forces of labor - Beverly J Silver Recasting labor studies in a long-term and global framework, the book draws on a major new database on world labor unrest to show how local labor…
Revolutions in reverse: Essays on politics, violence, art, and imagination - David Graeber Capitalism as we know it appears to be coming apart.
Whither the world - Gilles Dauvé & Karl Nesic Gilles Dauvé & Karl Nesic of the Troploin journal discuss the changing nature of capitalism and class struggle in the globalised 'post-Fordist'…
Super imperialism: the origins and fundamentals of U.S. world dominance - Michael Hudson Michael Hudson's in-depth and highly controversial study of imperialism, lauded by …
What is to be Done? Leninism, Anti-Leninist Marxism and the Question of Revolution Today - Werner Bonefeld & Sergio Tischler This title was first published in 2002. On the eve of the first centenary of Lenin…