Michael Hudson's in-depth and highly controversial study of imperialism, lauded by (among others) Loren Goldner. Copied to clipboard Attachments Michael Hudson - Super Imperialism - New Edition_ The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance (2003).compressed.pdf (1.77 MB) Loren Goldner imperialism globalisation World Bank International Monetary Fund (IMF) PDF Comments
Globalisation - further reading guide libcom's guide to further reading on globalisation and the struggle against it.
World Bank says: work 24/7 with no rights A new World Bank report calls for the wholesale elimination of workers' rights.
Close the IMF, abolish debt and end development: a class analysis of the international debt crisis - Harry Cleaver The political targets of this article are reformist understandings of international…
From Cairo to Madison, The Old Mole Comes Up For An Early Spring - Loren Goldner Loren Goldner examines the Wisconsin protests against the background of the capitalist assault against workers since the 1970s.
Notes towards a critique of Maoism Loren Goldner's 'bare-bones history' of Maoism. From Insurgent Notes #7
National liberation and state power - An anarchist critique of the MPLA in Angola A text written around 1980 by Martin Spence outlining a critique of the Marxist-Leninist Popular…