Anti Conscription cartoon A piece which explores Wobbly activity against conscription during WWI. Copied to clipboard Attachments The-Anzac-Myth.pdf (1.58 MB) Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) World War I Joseph Toscano PDF Comments
Glasgow and the Wobblies The Industrial Workers of the World's influence in Glasgow is not so well known, but it had considerable influence on the shop stewards movement…
Fighting war NOTE: this has now been edited and released as a new pamphlet by Rebel Press (April 2016) This article highlighted the anti-war agitation of anarchists and the IWW based in New Zealand…
“The Ku Klux Government”: Vigilantism, lynching, and the repression of the IWW Michael Cohen's journal article on the extra-parliamentary repression of the IWW that ran parallel…
Defenders of business: the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce Association VS. labor during WW1 - William Millikan An article by William Millikan about strikebreaking in Minneapolis during the First…
Memoirs of the I.W.W. [Australia] - Bill Beattie Recollections of struggles in the years around the First World War - by a former Australian Wobbly. From; Labour History no. 13, (Journal of the…
Sydney's burning: an Australian political conspiracy - Ian Turner A detailed history of the Sydney 12: members of the radical union Industrial Workers of the World,…