's guide to further reading around the subject of art, film, music and literature.

- *Privatising culture - Chin Tao Wu
- What is Art? - Leo Tolstoy
- Art and Society -William Morris
- Allan Antliff - Anarchy and Art: From the Paris Commune to the Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Art as a Weapon: Franz Seiwert and the Cologne Progressives - Martyn Everett
General Problems of Culture
- Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture – Nelson/Grossberg, Eds.
- Recapturing Marxism – Levine/Lembcke, Eds.
Literature and Art
- The Dada Painters and Poets – Motherwell, Ed.
- The Dada Almanac – Huelsenbeck, Ed.
- The Situationist International Anthology – Knabb, Ed.
- A Cavalier History of Surrealism - Vaneigem
- Dada: Art and Anti-Art – Richter
- Flight Out of Time – H. Ball
- Dada and Surrealism – M. Gale
- History of the Surrealist Movement – Durozoi
- Surrealism: Desire Unbound – Mundy, Ed.
- A Book of Surrealist Games – Brotchie
- The History of Surrealism – Nadeau, et al., Eds.
- The Social Significance of Modern Drama - Goldman
- To The Distant Observer - Burch (Japanese film)
- Cinema And Revolution - Schnitzer (Soviet film)
- Surrealist Women – Rosemont
- Manifesto of Surrealist Subversion
- Adorno’s Aesthetics of Music – Paddison
- Art, Class and Cleavage – Watson
- Frank Zappa: The Negative Dialectics of Poodle Play – Watson
- New Musical Figurations - Radano
- The Invention of Art - Shiner
- Art, an Enemy of the People - Taylor
*C.L.R. James:
- Cricket
- Mariners, Renegades and Castaways
- Beyond a Boundary
*Arnold Hauser:
- A Social History of Art (Vol. 1-4)
- Mannerism
- The Philosophy of Art History
- The Sociology of Art
- *Ernst Bloch:
- Aesthetics and Politics
- Essays on the Philosophy of Music
- Heritage of Our Times
- Literary Essays
*Walter Benjamin:
- Illuminations
- Reflections
- Selected Writings (2 vols)
- The origin of German tragic Drama
- Charles Baudelaire
- Understanding Brecht
*Mikhail M. Bahktin:
- Art and Answerability
- Problems of Dostoeyevsky’s Poetics
- Rabelais and His World
- The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship
*Gyorgy Lukacs:
- The Historical Novel
- German Realists of the Nineteenth Century
- Goethe and His Age
- Studies in European Realism
- Essays on Realism
- Realism in Our Time
- Solzhenitsyn
- The Meaning of Contemporary Realism
*Theodore Adorno:
- Notes to Literature
- In Search of Wagner
- Quasi una Fantasia
- Introduction to the Sociology of Music
- Culture Industry
- Composing for the Films
- Sound Figures
- Minima Moralia
- Mahler: A Musical Physiognomy
Problems of Everyday Life - Trotsky
Selected Cultural Writings - Gramsci
Their Morals and Ours – Trotsky
Literature and Revolution - Trotsky
Art and Literature - Trotsky
Marxism and Art – Solomon
Marxism and Literature - Raymond Williams
Red Shelley - P. Foot (SWP-GB)
Shelley's Revolutionary Year - P. Foot (SWP-GB)
Revolution and The 20th Century Novel - Siegel
The Gathering Storm: Shakespeare's Histories - Siegel
The Necessity of Art – Fischer
*Terry Eagleton:
William Shakespeare
Marxist Literary Theory
The Function of Criticism
Against the Grain
The Ideology of the Aesthetic
The Rape of Clarissa
Literary Theory: An Introduction
Heathcliff and the Great Hunger: Studies in Irish Culture
Crisis of Contemporary Culture
Scholars and Rebels in 19th Century Ireland
Walter Benjamin
Nationalism, Colonialism and Literature (w/ Said)
Slavoj Zizek:
The Ticklish Subject
The Metastases of Enjoyment
The Indivisible Remainder
The Plague of Fantasies
Jacques Lacan:
Mind in Society
Thought and Language
The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky
Educational Psychology
The Concept of Activity in Soviet Psychology
Mind as Action
Vygotsky and The Social Formation of Mind
Foundations of Mind
Sociocultural Studies of Mind
Voices of the Mind
Culture Communication and Cognition
Vygotsky Today
Marxism and the Philosophy of Language
The Dialogic Imagination
I would have thought Herbert
I would have thought Herbert Read's 'To Hell With Culture' would have been included in this? Despite the knighthood. :p
Antonin Artaud, Theatre and
Antonin Artaud, Theatre and its Double is a must read
If you want to edit and
If you want to edit and update the reading list, please feel free. And yes, putting some of that stuff on the site would be great.
Chin Tao Wu - Privatising
Chin Tao Wu - Privatising Culture
Leo Tolstoy - What is Art?
William Morris - Art and Society
Allan Antliff - Anarchy and Art: From the Paris Commune to the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Martyn Everett - Art as a Weapon: Franz Seiwert and the Cologne Progressives
Eric Hobsbawm-How to change
Eric Hobsbawm-How to change the World:Tales of Marx and Marxism
John Green - Ken Sprague:
John Green - Ken Sprague: People's Artist
Had a search for Ken Sprague on Libcom, and I'm surprised there is no mention of him, despite him being a member of the Communist Party in the UK, as his work has influenced me (especially his lino prints) and many others who directed their efforts in producing political art works. Might write something on him to put on here, because he was an interesting character who grew up on a council estate opposite mine. He created many famous works including this one:
I can't seem to edit the
I can't seem to edit the above post, but I meant I was surprised there was no mention of him on Libcom, EVEN THOUGH he was a member of the Communist Party and had some other slightly dodgy political moments. Still, his work was great.
Neo-Impressionism and
Neo-Impressionism and Anarchism in Fin-de-Siècle France: Painting, Politics and Landscape - Robyn Roslak
Very interesting, hefty book.