This is a collection of documentaries, news clips, interviews, and personal accounts from the Attica Prison riot of 1971.

In 1971, an uprising by prison inmates of the Attica maximum security prison in New York ended in the bloodiest prison confrontation in American history. Five days earlier, thirteen hundred prisoners had rebelled, taken over the prison, and held forty guards hostage. Issuing a list of demands, including calls for improvements in living conditions as well as educational and training opportunities, they entered into negotiations with state officials. The negotiations failed and state police and National Guard troops seized the prison; in the course of taking it over they killed forty-three individuals, including ten hostages. Subsequently, the prison staff engaged in the systematic torture of survivors, and the falsification of events.
The 8mm footage shot by New York State Troopers
Pictures Taken in the aftermath
Documentary Exert
Eyewitness Accounts
News Report