Issue #1 of the UK base publication. Copied to clipboard London, November 2016 Attachments base301.pdf (6.6 MB) Book traversal links for Base publication - issue #1 Base Publication Up Base publication - issue #2 Printer-friendly version Base PDF Comments
Base Publication Online archive of Base. Publication produced & sustained by the base collective, contributors & readers. Funded solely by donations & printed by Aldgate Press. Formerly the Occupied Times of…
Belgium: the general strike - Solidarity Pamphlet from January 1961 with first-hand news and accounts of the huge general strike in Belgium which was ongoing against the introduction of…
Direct Action #78 (February 1992) An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper, including: SWP relaunch the Anti-Nazi League, youth training schemes, education under capitalism,…
Karl Marx: early writings A collection of Marx's writings from 1843-1844. Arguably most notable among the writings is his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, though…