Taken from the Sparrows Nest Archive. Appears to have been published in the late 1990s. Author Anarchist Federation Copied to clipboard Attachments BF-AF-1.pdf (5.33 MB) Book traversal links for Big Flame: Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation - Issue #1 Big Flame: Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation Up Big Flame: Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation - Issue #2 Printer-friendly version Wales nationalism Comments
“Sometimes we shoot the same way” – the attack on Gaza, internationalism and the Left A libcom user and Anarchist Federation member analyses the 2008-2009 Israel-Gaza conflict, and the…
Against nationalism - Anarchist Federation Published in September 2009, an analysis of nationalism, where it comes from, and why anarchists fundamentally oppose it.
Beyond the Scottish referendum - Mike Sabot A look at the 2014 referendum on Scottish independence written by Edinburgh Anarchist Federation member, Mike Sabot, in a personal capacity,…
Tea Break 3 - oil refinery strikes, February 2009 A PDF of the February 2009 issue of the irregular workers' bulletin Tea Break, written and designed by users of libcom.org, for general…
The earth is not flat: a review of 'Against Nationalism' David Broder of The Commune critiques the Anarchist Federation pamphlet Against Nationalism. We do not agree with the critique but reproduce it as part of a constructive debate.
Don't Mourn. Organise. A statement from Edinburgh Anarchist Federation on the results of the Scottish independence referendum, and what comes next.