"To the bitter end" Henri Simon's account and analysis of the 1984-85 UK miner's strike in French. Copied to clipboard Attachments To the Bitter End complete.pdf (10.39 MB) Français Comments Great stuff, thanks! I have Great stuff, thanks! I have posted this to our French language section (non-English-language content should be posted to the library, then just tagged with the language in the "other languages" field)
Great stuff, thanks! I have Great stuff, thanks! I have posted this to our French language section (non-English-language content should be posted to the library, then just tagged with the language in the "other languages" field)
Léninisme ou communisme a small presentation about the libertarian marxist conception of communism opposed to leninism. it's in french
L’Autonomie ouvrière frappe en Chine - Mouvement Communiste & Kolektivně Proti Kapitálu The French version of the pamphlet by Mouvement Communiste & Kolektivně Proti Kapitálu about the…
Kurdistan? - Gilles Dauvé [fra] Une analyse critique du mouvement kurde dans le contexte du conflit syrien et la soi-disant «révolution Rojava", par Gilles Dauvé.
Émeutes, Race et Capitalisme - Communist League of Tampa Alors que les émeutes anti-police à Baltimore et ailleurs font rage, les appels à la « communauté » ignorent les profondes contradictions de classe qui sont à la racine de ces émeutes.
Comment Paul Fabra critique Marx - Pierre Rimbert A detailed and levelheaded rebuttal to Paul Fabra's 'Capitalism versus anti-capitalism: the triumph of Ricardian over Marxist political economy' …
Great stuff, thanks! I have
Great stuff, thanks! I have posted this to our French language section (non-English-language content should be posted to the library, then just tagged with the language in the "other languages" field)