Document published by the Ruhr Red Army calling for a general strike after the ultimatum by the Reichswehr General Oskar von Watter.
We have fought for our freedom. We have swept away the government Kapp due to our unity and determination. But the danger is not over. The White terror raging in Saxony and in other parts of the country demonstrates the goal of the reactionary officers.1 They have not given up yet. March 13 will be repeated in a few days.2
The proletariat of the industrial heartland has shown that it knows how to fight and how to keep exemplary order. But close to victory we are faced with a specific danger. General von Watter3 , whose troops gave a damn about the agreement and the truce of Bielefeld, issued an ultimatum: by March 30, 11 a.m., all weapons shall be surrendered and the Executive Council dissolved.
Proletarians! It is impossible to meet this ultimatum in such a short time. Von Watter knows this. Thousands of Reichwehr soldiers and Noske guards are waiting to destroy us. The reactionary forces demand this destruction. The industrial heartland threatens to turn into hell.
Workers! The officers' caste wants blood. Only proletarians will die, on both sides.
Citizens! Shall the dead have died in vain? Shall your best, your leaders be murdered? You cannot want this to happen!
The White terror of Saxony4 shall not enter the industrial heartland. We have the power to bring Germany to a halt! We have the means: a general strike! This is the means that the Central Council of the Executive Council has decided to make use of.
Workers, public servants, employees, citizens! On March 30, no wheel must turn! Join the general strike—everyone! Hold out until the reactionary forces will be crushed by the granite block of our unity!
- 1A reference to the dedicated workers' resistance against the Kapp Putsch in Saxony that was met with strong repression from the police, government troops, and reactionary militias.
- 2Reference to the Kapp Putsch.
- 3Oskar von Watter (1861-1939), aristocratic German officer leading the government troops and Free Corps units during the campaign against the Red Ruhr Army.
- 4Government troops and Free Corps units were violently suppressing workers' uprisings in Saxony following the Kapp Putsch.