A book by Angry Workers, a small political collective, which spent six years organising in London’s industrial backyard, mainly in the food manufacturing and logistics sector. This book is about their experiences as they try and find new ways of building class power in tough times. It is essential reading for anyone who is grappling with the question: "what next for working class politics and revolutionary strategy?" Published 2020.

Reproduced with thanks from the Angry Workers site, which also includes numerous reviews of the book.
You can donate to Angry Workers here to support their ongoing projects.
Hardcopies of the book can be ordered here.
Layers of Organisation:
Chapter 1: West London
Chapter 2: The Solidarity network and local campaigns
Chapter 3: An overtime “strike” at Waitrose and a slowdown at Sainsbury’s
Chapter 4: The newspaper
Chapter 5: Working class families and women’s realities — in and beyond work
Chapter 6: Syndicalism 2.0 and the IWW organising drive
Workers’ Inquiry 1:
Chapter 7: Food in capitalism
Chapter 8: Working and organising at the Bakkavor ready-meal factory
Workers’ Inquiry 2:
Chapter 9: Food distribution in capitalism
Chapter 10: Working and organising at a Tesco customer fulfilment centre
Workers’ Inquiry 3:
Chapter 11: 3D printer manufacturing plant
Revolutionary strategy:
Chapter 12: The current moment and criticism of democratic socialism
Chapter 13: Class power and uneven development
Chapter 14: Revolutionary transition and its conditions in the UK
Chapter 15: Organisation and advanced struggles
Appendix: West London workers’ history