Including: UK news, prisons, Black Panthers, reviews, sport, etc. Copied to clipboard PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest Archive, Nottingham. Attachments ClassWar71.pdf (13.49 MB) Book traversal links for Class War #71 1996 Class War #70 1995/6 Up Class War #72 1996 Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
The RSGs: 1919-1963 - Nicolas Walter An interesting history and analysis of the UK Regional Seats of Government - a secretive government-in-waiting behind the democratic state, by…
The Raven #16: On Education (2) The second Education-themed edition of this anarchist journal published by Freedom Press in 1991.
The Voice of the People newspaper Voice of the People was the new name of the Lumberjack the Wobbly Weekly covering New Orleans and the surrounding area.
Vietnam - Bob Potter The first Bob Potter pamphlet about Vietnam, published by Solidarity as pamphlet number 20, in autumn 1965.
The great Flint sit-down strike against GM 1936-37 - Walter Linder A history of the Flint sit-in strike by Walter Linder, slightly abridged by Solidarity and published…
Direct Action #74 (summer 1991) An issue of this anarcho-syndicalist newspaper including: Tory "citizens charter", Trades Councils - are they worth it?, Dave Douglass on the NUM…