An online archive of issues of Class War, a UK-based anarchist tabloid newspaper founded in 1983.

Libcom also hosts:
- A gallery of Class War cover art.
- A complete archive of The Heavy Stuff, Class War's theoretical magazine.
- Unfinished Business - a book by the Class War Federation on its politics published in 1992.
- Class War issue 73 - an auto-critique of Class War from 1997.
- A complete archive of Smash Hits, a discussion bulletin about the split in the Class War Federation following issue 73 of the newspaper.
As well as a number of critiques of Class War's politics:
- A view on "Class War" by a former member by Julian from Flamethrower (1986)
- A review of "Unfinished Business - The Politics of Class War" by Nat Turner from Here and Now issue 13 (1992)
- Obituary of Class War - Radical Chains (1997)
- Death of a paper tiger: reflections on Class War - An Aufheben "Intake" (1997) + two replies.
- The Ends of Class War by Mark S. Tey from Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration (1998)
Missing issues:
#3 New Homes For The Rich, October 1983.
#8? Bricks Bottles Burning Barricades – Summer of 1984.
#59 Rob the rich - not your own.
There is an amusing and
There is an amusing and lengthy blog post by the guy at Verso who handled the "Decade of Disorder" anthology here:
The Iain Sinclair review
The Iain Sinclair review mentioned is here. May be soft-paywalled if you've looked at other LRB articles this month but you can get around that by opening up a private mode/incognite window. Interesting to see the old Chumbawamba shit condom hoax get another mention.
A herculean scanning effort…
A herculean scanning effort at Sparrows Nest:
Just reread parts of the…
Just reread parts of the first issue. Ian Bone's rabble rousing brought this to mind from our Herakles:
The show of political power is not the same as the seizure of political power.
Love seeing these up here…
Love seeing these up here. Thanks Sparrows Nest!
Not a surprise to see…
Not a surprise to see criticism of Class War from the cop collaborators of Sussex University above.
I remember being invited for a pint at The White Tart by Ian Bone and his cronnies when I worked in a post room off Finsbury Square. The overall impression that I left with was, gobbledegook.
Here's a temporary link to a…
Here's a temporary link to a scan of one of the missing issues #4
Imagenetz link
(This issue was put together by Lia and Aleks and I have a dim recollection that there was some unhappiness about the content).
The class has to be injected…
Class War, [#4], on the politics of social-democracy (of the Left and right).
lurdan wrote: Here's a…
That's amazing Lurdan, thank you - it's now here.
Bone says in his book that a large number of this issue were burned...
Fozzie wrote: Bone says in…
Don't tease us. Burnt by whom?
P.S. Read your note on the link.