A history of the term privatisation and its relationship to Nazi economic policy. Copied to clipboard Attachments Privitisation a history.pdf (112.45 KB) fascism economics capitalism privatisation Germa Bel PDF Comments
Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany An article about the wave of privatisations carried out by the Nazi party in the 1930s.
The historical cycle of the political rule of the bourgeoisie - Amadeo Bordiga In this article first published in Prometeo in 1947, Amadeo Bordiga examines the history of the…
Capital - Karl Marx The complete text online of Marx's Magnum Opus, Capital: a critique of political economy, a devastating critical analysis of capitalism.
Kapitalo: Karlo Markso La Kapitalo: Kritiko de la politika ekonomio Unua volumo Libro I: La produktadprocezo de la kapitalo Monda
Wars and Capitalism - Kropotkin Russian anarchist, Peter Kropotkin writes of the part capitalism and industry plays in starting wars between two governments.
State capitalism in Russia - Murray Bookchin Murray Bookchin's critique of the USSR's economy as state capitalist. Published in Contemporary Issues 7, Autumn 1950 (under pseudonym M. S…