A study/biography of George Orwell by George Woodcock, anarchist friend of Orwell. Copied to clipboard Attachments Woodcock_Crystal_Spirit.pdf (28.48 MB) United Kingdom biographies George Orwell George Woodcock Comments
Marsh, Alfred 1858-1914 A short biography of Alfred Marsh, English anarchist communist who doggedly kept the Freedom newspaper going for many years
Who was Harry Cowley? PDF pamphlet about the life and times of Harry Cowley, a chimney sweep, antifascist and working class hero from Brighton, England.
Gee, Charlie - A working class hero Charlie looks back at his youthful experiences as a militant hippy factory worker and shop steward in 1970s & 80s northern England. Part 2 deals…
Motler, Leonard Augustine, 1888-1967 A short biography of Leonard Motler, English anarchist, deaf mute and activist against the First World War.
Deakin, Joseph Thomas 1858-1937 A short biography of Joe Deakin, anarchist ensnared in the Walsall bomb plot provocation
Foulser, George, 1920-1975 A short biography of British anarchist seaman and occasional writer, George Foulser.