A study/biography of George Orwell by George Woodcock, anarchist friend of Orwell. Copied to clipboard Attachments Woodcock_Crystal_Spirit.pdf (28.48 MB) United Kingdom biographies George Orwell George Woodcock Comments
Comfort, Alex, 1920-2000 A short biography of British doctor, anarchist and author of the Joy of Sex, Alex Comfort.
Mowbray, Charles Wilfred, 1857-1910 A short biography of tailor Charles Mowbray, who was possibly the first anarchist-communist in Britain. He was active in London, Norwich and the…
Morris, William - How I Became a Socialist Part of the series of biographies of William Morris. How I Became a Socialist was first published in Justice, June 16th, 1894.
Trunk, Johann Sebastian, 1850-1933 Short biography of transnational anarchist Johann Sebastian Trunk, by Jared Davidson.
Chatterton, Dan and his 'Atheistic Communistic Scorcher' - Andrew Whitehead Communist atheist pamphleteer, bill poster, slum dweller, early birth control advocate, fierce…