Дамье В. Забытый Интернационал. Т.1

Исследование посвящено анархо-синдикалистскому Интернационалу - организации, объединившей в своих рядах сторонников идеи всеобщего самоуправления. Его история, по словам одного из видных деятелей анархо-синдикализма, - "это пламенная история революционной организации, оставившей глубокий след в обществе. И в то же время это - полная бурь и мук история Европы в период между двумя мировыми войнами. История, объяснить и, прежде всего, понять которую можно лишь в свете жестокого столкновения между двумя противостоящими друг другу волнами - революционной, рожденной Русской революцией, и авторитарной, шедшей под знаком фашизма из Италии и затопившей в 1930-е годы всю Европу".

Submitted by ASyndicalist on July 23, 2015



9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on June 29, 2015

Hi, thanks for posting but this is just a link to an external text. If you attach or paste in the original text we can have it in the library but we don't host links to external content.

(Also I'm going to edit this move it to the library section and tag it as "Russian" in the "other language" section so it will be with all the other Russian language content)


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by ASyndicalist on June 29, 2015

Ok. I paste a link, because I made it's too large, and hope that somebody make from it an acceptable files for sharing here


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by plasmatelly on June 29, 2015

I can't open the link, but have used Bing to translate the text above - who is the author? (it sounds interesting).


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by ASyndicalist on June 29, 2015

Vadim Damie. The Forgotten International. Volume I. (in russian) file 44 mb.


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by plasmatelly on June 29, 2015


Vadim Damie. The Forgotten International. Volume I. (in russian) file 44 mb.

Aha! I had an inkling - thanks all the same!


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on June 29, 2015


Ok. I paste a link, because I made it's too large, and hope that somebody make from it an acceptable files for sharing here

cool, thanks. Could you try compressing it here: http://smallpdf.com/compress-pdf

our maximum file size is 16 MB, so if after compressing it it is still bigger than 16 you can split it into multiple parts (you can do that using this bit of that site: http://smallpdf.com/split-pdf)


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by ASyndicalist on June 29, 2015

Ok, I'll try make it later. And 2-3 days later may be i would complete volume 2


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on June 29, 2015


Ok, I'll try make it later. And 2-3 days later may be i would complete volume 2

brilliant thanks!

Instead of adding it as a separate library entry, I would just add any other volumes to this entry, and rename it


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by ASyndicalist on July 2, 2015

Volume 1 now complete - in 2 parts. Second Volume would be complete soon after, maybe 1-2 weeks


9 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on July 3, 2015


Volume 1 now complete - in 2 parts. Second Volume would be complete soon after, maybe 1-2 weeks

brilliant, thank you!