Direct Action #30 (April 1986)

Issue #30 of Direct Action, with articles on nuclear waste, the Protestant general strike in Northern Ireland, the Silentnight dispute, union officials sabotaging disputes, the new budget announcement, a DAM member being sacked by Michelin in Ballymena, syndicalism and war, a review of "Come and wet this truncheon" by Dave Douglass, "Red Wedge" and Labour, the latest news on the benefits system, international news from Nicaragua, Iran Australia, Uruguay, South Africa and the US, James Connolly, James Larkin and the Easter Rising of 1916, a report from the AFA conference where Class War were suspended, DAM activity, the lead-up to the Wapping dispute, a May Day poster and more.

Submitted by R Totale on May 12, 2020


DA 30.pdf (23.51 MB)


R Totale

4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on May 12, 2020

Think there's a typo on the first page here where it talks about "Ian Paisley, John Molyneux and the Orange Order" - I think they mean James Molyneaux there, there's a lot of criticisms I would make of John Molyneux but I don't think he was ever an important figure in Ulster Loyalism.