An update from an Egypt-based libcom poster on the state repression of the workers movements in Mahalla on the Nile Delta.

At least four central security trucks with police have been deployed around Mahalla's train station, another six are deployed around the textile company's compound. Plainclothes security agents are everywhere inside the company and in Mahalla. Strike leaders, known to the security services, have been banned from entering the factory when it's not their work shifts. According to strike leader Mohammed el-Attar management and security "don't want us to get into the company and speak with other colleagues. They are scared we may organize a protest action".
No strikes or sit-ins happened today in any of the company's factories, though there is a general mood of militancy among the company's workers. Some workers have brought food supplies with them to the factory in case a strike or a factory occupation breaks out suddenly.
Textile workers in Ghazl Shebeen el-Koum and Kafr el-Dawwar are watching closely what is happening in Mahalla. Among the workers that led the strikes in the two successful factories in February, there is willingness to try to mobilize for solidarity actions with Mahalla if they decide to go on strike or occupy the factory.
The company's management had an emergency meeting today.
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