European Socialism and Communism: Communist Interventions, vol. 1

First volume of the Communist Interventions series published by the Communist Research Cluster. This first reader deals with the history of European socialism and communism.

Submitted by Steven. on January 14, 2014

The reader is available here in full as a PDF, Mobi and ePub, as well as on the Communist Research Cluster's website.

From the preface:
We present here a history of twentieth-century communism through primary sources, divided into fourteen chapters arranged in chronological order. Each chapter deals with a historical moment or theoretical debate, and contains an amount of reading appropriate for one week’s time. We hope that this reader will provide the foundation for seminars and reading groups.

European Socialism and Communism, Communist Interventions, vol. 1
Table of Contents
1 Orthodoxy
1.1 Karl Kautsky, The Class Struggle (1892)
1.2 Karl Kautsky, Erfurt Program (1891)

2 Revisionism
2.1 Eduard Bernstein, Evolutionary Socialism (1899)
2.2 Rosa Luxemburg, Reform or Revolution (1900)

3 Social Democracy After 1905
3.1 Rosa Luxemburg, The Mass Strike (1906)
3.2 Anton Pannekoek, Marxist Theory and Revolutionary Tactics (1912)

4 Betrayals of 1914
4.1 Rosa Luxemburg, The Junius Pamphlet (1915)
4.2 Zimmerwald Manifesto (1915)
4.3 Draft Resolution of the Leftwing Delegates (1915)
4.4 Declaration of the Left Wing (1915)

5 The Russian Revolution
5.1 Vladimir Lenin, April Theses (1917)
5.2 Vladimir Lenin, State and Revolution (1917)
5.3 Rosa Luxemburg, The Russian Revolution (1918)

6 Left-Wing Communism
6.1 Anton Pannekoek, World Revolution and Communist Tactics (1920)
6.2 Vladimir Lenin, Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder (1920)
6.3 Herman Gorter, Open Letter to Comrade Lenin (1920)
6.4 Grigory Zinoviev, Theses on the Conditions of Admission to the Communist Inter-
national (1920)

7 German and Italian Revolutions
7.1 Programme of the Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD) (1920)
7.2 Otto Ruhle, The Revolution is Not a Party Affair(1920)
7.3 Fritz Wolffheim, Factory Organizations or Trade Unions? (1919)
7.4 Amadeo Bordiga, Party and Class(1921)
7.5 Amadeo Bordiga, Towards the Establishment of Workers’ Councils in Italy (1920)
7.6 Antonio Gramsci,Unions and Councils(1919)
7.7 Antonio Gramsci, Unions and the Dictatorship(1919)

8 Communism and Gender
8.1 Alexandra Kollontai, Theses on Communist Morality in the Sphere of Marital Rela-
tions (1921)
8.2 Alexandra Kollontai, Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle (1921)

9 Fascism and War
9.1 Leon Trotsky, The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International(1938)
9.2 Anton Pannekoek, State Capitalism and Dictatorship (1936)
9.3 Anton Pannekoek, The Failure of the Working Class (1946)
9.4 Karl Korsch,The Fascist Counter-revolution (1940)
9.5 Gilles Dauve, When Insurrections Die (1979)

10 Stalinism
10.1 Leon Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed (1936)
10.2 C.L.R. James, Russia–A Fascist State (1941)
10.3 H.H.Ticktin, Towards a Political Economy of the USSR (1974)
10.4 Christopher Arthur, Epitaph for the USSR: A Clock Without a Spring (2002)

11 May 1968 in France
11.1 Cornelius Castoriadis, On the Content of Socialism, Part I (1955)
11.2 Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle (1967)
11.3 Rene, Preliminaries on Councils and Councilist Organization (1969)
11.4 Gilles Dauve, Leninism and the Ultra-Left (1969)

12 Second-Wave Feminism
12.1 Mariarosa Dalla Costa & Selma James, The Power of Women and the Subversion of
the Community (1971)
12.2 Silvia Federici, Wages Against Housework(1974)

13 Italy’s Creeping May (1968-77)
13.1 Mario Tronti, Lenin In England (1964)
13.2 Mario Tronti, The Strategy of the Refusal (1965)
13.3 Silvia Federici & Mario Montano, Theses on the Mass Worker and Social Capital
13.4 Sergio Bologna, The Tribe of Moles (1977)

14 Eclipse of the Worker’s Movement
14.1 Adam Przeworski, Social Democracy as a Historical Phenomenon (1980)

Further Reading
Appendix 415




11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Tyrion on January 16, 2014

This looks excellent. An EPUB//MOBI version would be very much appreciated.


11 years ago

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Submitted by Pennoid on January 27, 2014

Some cats in Tampa and myself are going to start in on this as a weekly reading group, as advised. Will update with thoughts as we go along!


11 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 27, 2014

Yeah, let us know how it goes. I don't have time to read this at the moment. One thing I did think is missing is in the creeping May reading list they don't have States of emergency, the single best book on it! (


10 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by jura on July 30, 2014

This was obviously done in LaTeX. For world revolution's sake, make the source available and let us convert it into epub for proles to read on their Kindles.

Edit: Silly me, the epub version is already here:


10 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 30, 2014


This was obviously done in LaTeX. For world revolution's sake, make the source available and let us convert it into epub for proles to read on their Kindles.

Edit: Silly me, the epub version is already here:

if you or someone else could attach this to our version here that would be great!


8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Pennoid on April 14, 2016

This Reader Made Me a Communist