An ex-British National Party (BNP) activist authored the manifesto of Anne Marie Waters, the far-right activist who is now the favourite to become the next UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader.

Jack Buckby is barred from joining UKIP due to his past membership of the BNP but has been working on Waters' campaign to become leader of the party. Buckby introduced Waters at her campaign launch where he described the manifesto as "fantastic".
Metadata on the pdf of the manifesto indicates "Jack B" is the author of the document and sources close to the campaign have confirmed Buckby is the document's author. Buckby registered the domain name of the website the manifesto is hosted on.
Buckby was a close associate of former BNP leader Nick Griffin. In 2012, Buckby gave a speech, introduced by Griffin, where he explained how it was necessary to cloak fascist ideology in new language to make it palatable to people who may otherwise find the language of nationalism alienating.
Waters' manifesto calls for British citizens to be prioritised over others within the UK, and calls for a large reduction and temporary freeze on immigration. The manifesto suggests some UK residents would see their rights restricted were Waters to ever come to power.
Waters has denied being a fascist but describes herself as a "nationalist".