F*ck you judge! Sabotaging King county council cash orgy

The King County Council, the same group of geniuses that liquidated the Free Ride Area downtown, decided to have a public meeting at Seattle University in order to discuss their plans for the King County Youth Detention Centre. It is no surprise that Seattle University was chosen to host this meeting, given that the school is one of the primary nodes of gentrification in the Central District. The developed area of 12th Avenue near the school has grown considerably over the years and now the council is helping developers extend that area to the edge of the Central District. They got more than they bargained for.

Submitted by working class … on April 9, 2012

The plan calls for the remodelling of the Detention Centre and the incorporation of upscale apartments and storefronts into the block. The County Council is proposing a tax levee to voters and will sell off over half the property to private interests in order to “offset costs to the taxpayer.” There is clearly some ass-slapping and money-dealing going on behind the scenes. In light of these developments, dozens of people attended the meeting with County Council in order to make clear the utter disgust and hatred they had for these youth-incarceration profiteers.

Moments into the presentation, people started yelling at the Council, calling them out for their greed and duplicity. None of the council members could defend themselves and some of them even attempted to use their authority to silence people. This did not work and in their panic they called the SPD for protection. The judges in the room were verbally stripped of their authority and revealed to be what they were. In the case of one judge, he was revealed to be a small toad with a human finger that he could point at people. Ultimately, the meeting was called off and the plans of the council were thwarted for the time being.

In conclusion, we would like to remind everyone that regular noise demonstrations are held for the benefit of the young people locked inside. Hopefully you will participate in the next one and also attend any events related to the ultimate destruction of the Youth Detention Centre. We have no demands of the County Council, and the only action they could hope to take is to immediately free the youth, demolish the buildings, and leave the field unowned, belonging to no one and everyone. While we are not strong enough yet to destroy the detention centre ourselves, we hope to be so one day, just as the people of Egypt were able to during their revolution. If we can ever accomplish this task, we will be living in a revolutionary moment and the world will be open to us. That day cannot come soon enough.


Reproduced via - http://anarchistnews.org/content/seattle-communique-sabotaging-king-county-council-cash-orgy



12 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Diddy-D on April 9, 2012

Many thanks for this post, and total RESPECT to you.

Making money out of banging up kids is fucking twisted. So yeah, FUCK THE JUDGE. Did you see the arrogant tosser try and tell peeps to be quiet. What a backward, bloated, privilieged fart. He and the sick system he represents is the one that should be banged up.

Awesome video. Nice one!!


12 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Diddy-D on April 10, 2012

Can someone please translate the above lol. I can't understand it...


12 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on April 10, 2012

Admin note: I removed the swearword from the article title. We ask people not to use swear words in article titles, as article titles are repeated throughout the site to encourage additional traffic. Swear words can mean that pages are blocked from people browsing from work, libraries, schools, etc. So a swearword in a title could end up getting the whole site blocked. Sorry!


12 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Spassmaschine on April 10, 2012


Admin note: I removed the swearword from the article title. We ask people not to use swear words in article titles, as article titles are repeated throughout the site to encourage additional traffic. Swear words can mean that pages are blocked from people browsing from work, libraries, schools, etc. So a swearword in a title could end up getting the whole site blocked. Sorry!

The "orgy" in the url will probably still upset the filters...

working class …

12 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by working class … on April 10, 2012


Admin note: I removed the swearword from the article title. We ask people not to use swear words in article titles, as article titles are repeated throughout the site to encourage additional traffic. Swear words can mean that pages are blocked from people browsing from work, libraries, schools, etc. So a swearword in a title could end up getting the whole site blocked. Sorry!

Point taken, sorry



12 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by trtlfckr on April 10, 2012

This is the most ill-informed bullshit I have ever seen.

working class …

12 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by working class … on April 10, 2012

And you had to create an account just to give us that pearl of wisdom???