Finally a few more creative (Muros) wall slogans in Spain and Latin America


By Stuart Wise, 2019 (again with a wee bit of help from twin-bro, Dave)

Submitted by Fozzie on February 28, 2024

There are loves that last forever....
Although there is no kissing,
Although there is no touching,
Although they don't see each other.


Above: Need one say more as you add a touch of Orwell!

Above: A prophetic illustration from a 1967 Italian magazine showing how we would be living in 2022: social distancing completed through an all encompassing transparent visor on wheels and The Lonely Crowd morphs into absolute human separation.

Above: To learn to unlearn is not a contradiction but a mending (of oneself)

As beautiful as an impure insurrection (as perhaps Lautreamont would put it)

Above: The deadliest virus: Capital

Above: Frontiers kill more than Coronavirus

Above: If they don't allow us to dream we won't allow them to sleep

Above: The only system we want to be strong is the immune (system)

Above: It wasn't depression it was capitalism

Above: Social revolution needs commutarian urban vegetable gardens
The autonomy of the people is capitalism's and the state's greatest fear

Above: Destroying something created by man is called vandalism.
But to destroy something created by nature they call progress

Above: Try to live Anarchy

Above: The only church that sheds light is one that's burning

Above: Finally, where did Ana get this?????

